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 About Us


 It all started with a passion for cocktails..

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Ashley’s obsession with cocktails began with a self-taught and in-depth research of the elements required to create a great cocktail: ice, different types of sugar, temperature, citrus, dilution – and of course, taste. Ashley’s research involved a lot of experimenting, taste testing, and cocktail bar exploring.

Aside from becoming popular at parties, Ashley’s passion for mixology motivated her to test out her signature recipes on friends and family. Ashley worked hard at developing and perfecting her mixes. Her eight year old daughter even knows more about cocktails than most adults! Seeing people enjoy her creations prompted the idea to share her bar skills with the world.


 Realizing where her passion would best be served, Ashley created Mtl Craft Cocktails, a way to bring Fresh mixes right to your door. Making it simple and easy to enjoy a quality cocktail at home as well as Complete bar service, and set up!


 Mixology is an art that requires skill, and a LOT of trial and error. Yet, anyone can enjoy bar quality drinks – even without venturing out to a fancy cocktail bar.
